Brandon Bailey age 10

Brandon is our Kidlanthropist of the month.

Brandon is himself; a cancer survivor. He went through 3.5 years battling cancer and today is in remission. He faces side effects from the chemotherapy, but that doesn't stop him....

Brandon works with Friends Like Us in helping other children. Brandon will visit the hospital rooms and talk to some of the kids to encourage them that everything will be ok.

Brandon also works in a food kitchen every year to help feed and clothe the less fortunate. For the past year he has worked in passing out food every month at local food banks.

Currently, Brandon has been named one of the "Heroes of the Year" by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. He is helping them with raising money in public schools. His current project is one of art. Brandon is quite the artist! He's working on a cancer art line to help Friends Like Us in making sure every child that comes in gets a chemo bear to hug...but he would, he received the first chemo bear ever made and understands how important it is to have one :)

His Links: Twitter

Congratulations Brandon! You’re an awesome kid and the world is a better place because of you.

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