46 Mommas Shave for the Brave

46 mommas Maybe you’ve heard of these inspiring women, maybe you haven’t – but we think you should hear about them. Their team name says it all; 46 Mommas. They are a group of 46 moms of children who have fought or are currently fighting cancer. Their goal is to make a difference, to get the message out there that kids get cancer too. What better way to do that than to shave their heads in solidarity with kids fighting cancer?

While the women on the team come from different parts of the country, different backgrounds, different occupations; there is one thing they all have in common, childhood cancer.

Take a moment and check out the children they are honoring -  the children they are mommas to and reason for doing this: KIDS HONORED

Please join us in helping spread the word and help them hit their fundraising goal. No donation is too small (or too big). If you cannot donate, you can still make a difference and help by spreading the word via Twitter, Facebook, Blog, email – anyway you can. Take a few minutes, and do it for the kids.  That’s what we all are here for…Thank you.

Join them on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/46Mommas

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