Layers Of Love

logo Layers of Love, comforting chemotherapy patient’s one blanket at a time!

The first time Patty Beidleman, the founder of Layers of Love sat with her parents in the waiting room of the Cooper Cancer Institute, she was struck by not just the number of patients that walked through the door, but by how many of them carried a tote bag with a fleece blanket tucked inside.

As Patty and her mother walked her dad in for his appointment, the reason became apparent- the temperature in the treatment room dropped considerably. The first thing her dad said as he settled into his chair was “I sure wish I brought my blanket with me…it’s cold in here!” Not only is the room kept cooler, but as Patty soon learned, being cold is a side effect of chemotherapy.

While hospital blankets are of course provided, they are the standard, thin sort; hardly the type to really provide any real warmth and comfort. Judging by the blankets they saw the other patients bring, fleece was the fabric of choice.

As Patty drove home that day her thoughts never left those patients who, like her dad, could use all the comfort they could get at that point in their lives. That’s when the light in Patty’s head went off and layers of Love; Comforting Cancer patients One Blanket at a Time was born.

Layers of Love’s mission are to provide comfort and warmth to patients like Patty’s Dad who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Cooper Cancer Institute.

Patty said “My Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer in the fall of 2009.  He had surgery to remove the tumor in Dec. 2009.  The result of the tumor was that it was successfully removed; however it had spread to his lymph nodes.  This January 2010 he began treatment for his cancer.  Chemotherapy, followed by 6 weeks of radiation treatment, and now beginning this Week another round of chemotherapy”

Layers of Love was born with an idea.  Their first goal is to provide every patient at Cooper Cancer Institute with a homemade fleece blanket.  They started with Cooper Cancer Institute because that’s where Patty’s Dad is undergoing his cancer treatment.  Right now they have a goal of 74 blankets, one for each year of Patty’s Dad's life. However, Layers of Love has bigger goals.  After providing for patients at Cooper Cancer Institute, they want to move to the pediatric wing at Cooper Hospital; from there they want to move to every hospital and cancer center in the United States, providing them all with blankets for comfort and warmth, both for the adults and the pediatric patients.  Layers of Love wants to make sure every patient knows they are NOT alone, that there are people who care for them, even if they have no family or friends there with them to help them fight.

Patty is a happily married, stay at home Mom, of one 13 year old daughter. Layers of Love happily now takes up most of her time.  It is truly a labor of love. Patty said “I would be remiss if I did not mention the wonderful people I have met both through Facebook and Twitter since our drive started.  It is because of them that we are as far as we are right now.  We are grateful for each and every one of them”.

Layers of Love is collecting new, homemade, no sew fleece tied blankets to make chemotherapy patients experience more comfortable. Why fleece? Not only is it warm, but it is soft and breathable. And unlike wool, it is machine washable.

Have you ever seen an organization and you knew instantly where their heart was? That is Layers of Love to us, you can feel and see their heart. We know where their heart is and it is filled with love, compassion and generosity towards all who have been devastated by cancer and going through chemotherapy. This organization is to us an “Everyday Hero” for all they’re doing to help and make a difference in the lives of others.

We highly recommend this organization. If you are able to help with blankets or even with the support of a donation, please contact them. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact them.

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  1. Layers of Love is an amazing initiative. Patty is an incredible, generous and brave person for not only sharing her story and trying to make chemo more bearable for her own father, but for other patients around him.

    Please donate if you can!

  2. Wonderful organization. I absolutely love it when organizations are created from personal love and experiences like this.
